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Specialty Palette ~ SP-1460

In addition to the Orsoni standard palette of 100 colors, we will be continually stocking additional colors from the Orsoni Specialty Palette to enrich your color choices. 

Many of the Specialty colors are also offered in chunky B-cuts.  They will be listed under "B Cuts" with the same color number.

Size: 15 x 10 x 6 mm (5/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" in) Thickness Varies

Coverage: 1 lb. = 48 sq. in. or 3 lb = 1 sq. ft. (laid side by side and allowing for waste)

Approx: 140 pieces per pound

In stock
Sold by unit ~0.25 lb.

In addition to the Orsoni standard palette of 100 colors, we will be continually stocking additional colors from the Orsoni Specialty Palette to enrich your color choices. 

Many colors in our Specialty palette are also offered in chunky B-cuts.  They will be listed under "B Cuts" with the same color number.

A Cuts are the traditional standard smalti cut. Sheared from pizzas (slabs of opaque glass) the cut edge of the glass serves as the top of the tesserae. It is this cut that gives Orsoni smalti its brilliance while allowing stunning reflective qualities and true color to shine.

Size: 15 x 10 x 6 mm (5/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" in) Thickness Varies

Coverage: 1 lb. = 48 sq. in. or 3 lb = 1 sq. ft. (laid side by side and allowing for waste)

Approx: 140 pieces per pound